Saturday, May 26, 2007

Connecting Asian Ecopreneurs

Welcome to the Asian blogspot for connecting Ecopreneurs!

I value your time and realise that as an Ecopreneur you are in a very exciting position.

For those of you who are not familiar with the goals of an Ecopreneur, they are based around the vision, and action, of connecting businesses with nature conservation. Put another way, there is no point in businesses making huge profits if their process for making those profits result in their shareholders (and fellow citizens) not having a beautiful world in which to enjoy their success.

The excitement comes from seeing the growing change in the business community to further support the health of our planet.

As an Ecopreneur in the Asian region I would love to hear how you are assisting the goals of ecopreneurship and to be connected with those people and businesses that you know who are making a real difference to the environmental health of people and nature.

Merrin Pearse
Asia's Number 1 Ecopreneur


Unknown said...

Wow Merrin. This sounds just like what my purpose is! Lets share ideas and continue to grow together.
Louise (smile)

Anonymous said...

Do you know Andy Steel from ?

He and his team are doing amazing things for the environment across Asia.


Anonymous said...

I'm keen to know more about what an Ecopreneur is. Can you give some examples of successful Ecopreneurs?
