Monday, February 9, 2009


Have you ever looked at how you make decisions?

Of course you have.

Have you ever reviewed the rules you use to make the decisions. I discovered a group called the Pachamama Alliance ( who utilise the following three “criteria” together to consider how you are ensuring that we are creating a World that is:
- Environmentally Sustainable
- Spiritually Fulfilling, and
- Socially Just

They ask the questions:
- Where are we?
- How did we get here?
- What is possible for the future?
- Where do we go from here?

They run a really engaging and enlightening symposium called "Awaken the Dreamer". You have the chance of being part of one of the upcomiing symposiums, check where via

Here is a trailer about the symposium.

Back in October I attended the symposium and became a trained facilitator of the program along with some other wonderful Hong Kong people. Check us out with Jon Symes!

Grow well
Dr Merrin

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