Friday, December 19, 2008

Computer Gaming for the Ecopreneur

You know I love of the outdoors, if not check out a few of the other blogs I have written to get the idea. Anyhow, I had the opportunity to capture on video the experiences people were having at the Asia Gaming Show 2008 in Hong Kong. I was videoing for, Yeah it is in the Exhibition Centre where there are no windows and lots of very alien looking people dressed as their favourite game characters.

So why would I want to explore what may be described as the darker corners of the gaming world? To know what is there and try to better understand how I could help introduce a “greener” more “eco” experience to those gamers.

Yes the bulk of the games and accessories are shoot em up and kill them quick games though there were some very bright green corners. Lets start with Sony’s stall. I saw this game where some one was out on the plains of Africa stalking Zebra. Looking for the gun I was pleasantly surprised when they pulled out a camera and shot a superb picture. The collection grew and when they returned to the campsite after the day they got to see the score for their photos. I liked it (Hakuna Matata the games name is also is a Swahili phrase that is literally translated as "There are no worries"). A similar one was for discovering new fish.

I did take the chance to talk with Sackboy as we are all on a LittleBigPlanet!

Getting gamers to exercise more would be one of the things I would love to see. Not many of the games seemed to exercise more than the fingers. A reality golf game called OnGolf ( currently uses only the mouse though they are working on a version that will have motion sensor devices to get you more into the swing! There was a drumming game that almost got people into a sweat with the pace of drumming required. Looking forward to see the gaming industry merge more with the fitness industry to get people exercising and then outdoors to explore the real worl rather than living in the virtual world.

Grow well
Dr Merrin

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